Get Involved

Help us restore Ken Kesey’s original Furthur bus.

Our goal is to raise at least $1 million. So we’re counting on you to give what you can afford to help us get there.

Money isn’t the only way to help, though. We need your support in other ways, too. You can be a major part of saving Furthur and restoring it to its splendor by doing any of the following:

Work with Us

Check out our Work with Us page to learn more about volunteering and employment opportunities with Furthur Down the Road. We need people who are intensely passionate and the absolute best at what they do. Check back often as we grow to see if we’ve got an opportunity for you. It takes all kinds of skills to make this project possible, so whether you’re an artistic restoration expert, a master auto restorer, a nonprofit management guru, or PR professional, it’s likely we’ll need you soon. Lots of other volunteering jobs too.

Organize an Event

We’ve already been approached by a number of promoters and entertainers about organizing concerts and other events to raise money for Furthur. While we don’t currently have the staffing to do the “heavy lifting” it takes to organize such events, we’d sure love to hear from those of you who do. If you’re interested in putting on an event to raise money for Furthur Down the Road, we’d love to hear from you. Before we give you the green light to raise money in the Foundation’s name, we’ll need to know you’ve got the experience and infrastructure to be successful, but if you do, please contact us to discuss possibilities.

Tell Us Your Stories

Furthur is much more than a bus. It and what it stands for have affected millions of us in so many ways. We want to hear those stories from you and share them with others. We think it’s more important now than ever to keep the “Prankster spirit” alive. We want to give you’re stories about Ken and the bus a place for all to see, now and far into the future. Click here to submit your stories to inspire, entertain, and educate others who visit this site. We’ll post as many as we can.

Share Your Photos

Photos of the bus from it’s glory days are exceedingly rare. If you have photos of the original Furthur you’d be willing to share with Furthur Down the Road, please contact us. We’d also love to get your personal pics of the original bus or the current Furthur, Furthur-inspired art, and related images. Obviously, we can’t post everything, but we’ll share what we can here on the site. Please only send us photos for which you own/control the rights. Your submission constitutes permission to use the image on