The Furthur Down the Road Foundation is an Oregon-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring Ken Kesey’s original Furthur bus. The Foundation was founded by Stephanie Kesey (Ken’s daughter-in-law) in 2008, when she recognized we were in danger of losing this valuable historical and artistic icon forever. The Furthur bus spent many years exposed to the elements in a swamp behind the Kesey farm. Though it was extricated from there in October of 2005, it remains a shadow if its glorious former self—a rusted hulk awaiting a monumental injection of money, Love, and TLC.

Furthur Down the Road’s aim is to raise money to…

  • Fully restore the Furthur bus to its 1964 splendor.
  • Provide for the maintenance, transportation, and storage of Furthur for an ongoing event and museum loan program.
  • Fund the day-to-day operations of Furthur Down the Road, such as administrative staffing, fundraising, and online presence.
  • Establish an endowment to fund the Foundation for many years to come.